Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Looking Ahead

Now that the new year has taken off, I'm making a point to be more active --even if it just means going to a movie or getting out of the house. I discussed my plan with my counselor and she agreed that forcing myself to do more stuff is a good way to get my energy back and then get into shape. So I started writing descriptions of all of my jewelry pieces so I can finally get my store going and also ordered tickets to a concert for Friday. I like having something to look forward to and I think by doing these things, it'll keep me out of "hibernation" mode. I also put on some jewelry and a new shirt when I returned to work. It's a small thing, but it made me feel good about myself to be a little more dressed up than usual. My counselor thought that this was a good idea, too.

Now that the snow has melted somewhat, it's a little easier for me to walk. I no longer have to take shuffling steps as I avoid ice patches and snow drifts, so I can walk more like a normal person. Just being able to do that has made me feel more optimistic. I'm also feeling less run-down, now that I had a three-day weekend. I heard on the radio that we're getting a minute more of daylight now and that will keep increasing. Yeah, winter has just begun, but the idea that spring isn't too far off and that we'll get more daylight is making me feel better, as well.

As for my eating, I've done pretty well over the past couple of days. I had cereal with milk and a banana for breakfast and then for lunch today, I had low-fat bison meatballs (really good!) with spinach, squash, brussel sprouts and carrot soup. Tonight, I'm having chicken. I can definitely sense a difference in my body when I eat "clean." I'm trying to get rid of all of the salt and sugar and carbs that I took in over the holidays.

For Friday, I'm trying to choose a restaurant, but I don't want it to be about the food: I want the night to be about spending time with Jon and enjoying an activity in the city. We're always talking about attending more concerts and shows, so why not? "Have more fun" is a good resolution to work on!

I know that I need to get back into exercising, but I really just want to lose some more weight first. My counselor has suggested that I try Tai Chi because it's supposed to give you an energy boost. I've never done this before, but I'm going to look online to see if there are basic videos. I'm kind of a klutz, but she swears that the moves are simple.

So this is where I'm at today. I'm in a much better place than I was a few days ago, mentally and physically, and am glad that I've started blogging again. It helped me deal with my broken leg last year, so I'm not sure why I stopped in the first place.

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